Web Development With WordPress

WP Web Development
WordPress is by far the most popular Web development CMS (Content Management System) available today. It’s open source (which means it’s free to install and use), it’s an extremely robust platform that’s packed with the features users need, plus it’s supported by a huge community of web developers (like me) who create websites for business small and Large, every day.

Is WordPress right for your web project?
Most likely! The developers of WordPress built into the system a collection of “Hooks” that allow third party developers to extend the basic blogging functionality with what WordPress calls “Plugins”. In English that means that if you want to add say a reservation system for you restaurant website or you want to add the ability for a visitor to purchase your products securely online, you can do this by adding plugins.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of available plugins (many of which are free) which can be added with just a few mouse clicks. Plugins make WordPress sites way more powerful then the original developers could have dreamed of.

Theme Development
The design or look of your WordPress website is kept completely separate from the the content of the site. All of the design elements of the site are contained in the “Theme”. Themes are available for purchase at sites like Themeforest. At a site like Themeforest, you’ll purchase a theme that a designer developed for the mass market. While you wont’ get a custom design with one of these themes, they have been fully debuggged and are usually supported by the developer. You can usually purchase one of these themes for under $100.
Custom Theme Design
You also have the option of going with a custom theme design. With a custom design, you’ll work with a developer (like me!) to create the exact look that you want. A good developer will work with you to decide on the best look for your site. Oftentimes, the “Look” that the client wants isn’t the best way to present your message or offerings. The developer will point out what will work and what may need to be changed.
Lastly, it’s been estimated that up to forty percent of all websites run WordPress. Do a quick Google search and you’ll see that companies like Time Inc, Bloomberg, Facebook, Disney all use WordPress for parts of their business. Celebrities like Snoop Dog, Katy Perry and Will Wheaton also trust WordPress for their websites. WordPress is the platform of choice for so many because it is robust, extendable, well support and easy to work with.